

Health Plan Eligibility

Unless otherwise noted, you and your dependents are eligible for benefits as long as you are benefits-eligible and are a department head, regular-position employee1 or an elected/appointed official at Harris County.

If you retire in accordance with the provisions of the TCDRS (including disability Retirement) and were covered as an active employee under the Harris County Group Health & Related Benefits plan(s) at the time of retirement, you may be eligible to retain certain benefits.

All covered dependents are enrolled in the same plan as the employee or retiree.

Documentation is required to support the eligibility status of each of your dependents. Documents sent to the Benefits Office in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Harris County is required by law to provide health care coverage for children identified on National Medical Support Notices.2

Father and Child

Dependents must be covered for one full calendar year before your retirement in order to receive the County contribution for their premiums. You will be responsible for paying 100% of your dependent's premium cost if covered for less than one calendar year at your retirement.


Use this overview for a more detailed explanation of who and when family is covered.

Failure to drop dependents after a finalized divorce by court may be considered insurance fraud and may result in a referral to the District Attorney’s office for investigation. Any employee committing insurance fraud will be liable to reimburse Harris County for claims activity.

1 - A regular-position employee is defined as “an employee hired for an indefinite period and regularly scheduled to work at least 32 hours per week.” Please see Section 9 of the Harris County and Harris County Flood Control District Personnel Policies & Procedures for more information.

2 - Upon receipt of a Medical Support Notice from the Texas Attorney General or presiding court, or upon receipt of any similar such legal mandate by a court or agency having jurisdiction over the County, the County must comply with any such directive, subject to the terms of our plans. Such directives may not be overturned except through revised documentation received from the applicable agency overturning any prior directives. No refunds will be issued.